As a specialty crating, packaging and shipping company, Craters & 货运公司每天帮助企业和个人在全国和世界各地运送重要资产. In some cases, those shipments are time-sensitive. However, 当自然灾害发生后需要资源时,没有什么比紧迫感更重要的了.
For example, Craters & 在自然灾害期间,许多地方的货轮帮助运送货物,在COVID-19大流行期间帮助运送呼吸机. Whatever resources are needed in an emergency situation, 货物必须按时到达目的地,并且完好无损, 被赋予这种责任的公司必须能够迅速完成这项工作, efficiently and effectively.
发货人努力为一架价值数百万美元的无人机打造一个定制的板条箱,然后在板条箱内阻挡和支撑设备以使其无法移动,这导致了交货延误,这是不可能的. The shipping experts that authorities—local, 在这种情况下,地区或联邦政府必须有包装工程师,他们可以评估物品及其在运输过程中面临的条件,并设计出包装和制造策略,以充分保护它.
What Is FEMA?
当人们听到灾难发生时,他们的脑海中立刻浮现出FEMA这个缩写. FEMA is short for Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 长期以来,联邦应急管理局一直是龙卷风发生时第一批到达现场的组织之一, hurricane or other natural or manmade disaster occurs.
该机构于1979年根据吉米·卡特总统的一项行政命令正式成立. However, its roots go back to the early 1800s. As FEMA notes on its website, 1803年的一项国会法案首次提出了建立一个专注于应急管理的机构的必要性.
“The first legislative act of federal disaster relief in U.S. 1802年12月,新罕布什尔州朴茨茅斯发生了一场毁灭性的大火. 这座城市海港的大面积破坏威胁到了这个新成立国家的商业. In 1803, the U.S. 国会通过暂停几个月的债券支付来救济受影响的朴茨茅斯商人.”
In modern times, 联邦应急管理局的角色在经历了包括911恐怖袭击在内的几次重大紧急事件后发生了演变, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy. Most recently, 由于“历史性的大西洋飓风季节和极端的野火灾害”,国会在2017年扩大了该机构的权力.” The changes were designed to “build a culture of preparedness, ready the nation for catastrophic disasters, and reduce FEMA’s complexity.”
看看联邦应急管理局应对的紧急情况的类型和范围, 网上赌搏十大网站很容易想象一个有经验的专业人士所创造的技能, packaging and shipping company can be a tremendous asset. That is particularly true of a company like Craters & 在美国各地拥有超过65家实体店的货运公司.S. and a worldwide network of trusted business partners.
联邦应急管理局应对的大规模灾害并不是唯一急需设备和物资的灾害. 当地的灾害响应实体面临着同样类型的物流挑战——在这些挑战中,行业领先的专业制造和运输公司的专业知识可能至关重要.
Floods, fires, earthquakes and other incidents can leave city, 县或州的官员正在争抢应对紧急情况所需的资源. Fortunately, 虽然没有办法知道在尚未发生的灾难中需要哪些设备或材料, 政府实体和其他参与应急响应和恢复工作的机构可以与像crater这样的公司建立关系 & Freighters to position themselves to react quickly.
Services FEMA and Other Agencies Can Capitalize On
应急管理组织为准备满足其运输需求可采取的一个有益步骤是与环形山会谈 & Freighters about available services. For example, we can design and build wood crates, skids and pallets to transport items of any size, shape or weight. A quick look at our photo gallery demonstrates this fact. From aircraft to massive industrial equipment, 对于网上赌搏十大网站在美国各地的熟练和经验丰富的团队成员来说,没有任何工作太大或太复杂.S.
But we handle more than large and bulky items. Craters & Freighters has extensive experience in the safe transporting of sensitive electronics. 如果设备必须在到达时进行维修,那么快速将设备送到灾难现场是没有帮助的. From shock and tip sensors, to anti-static bubble wrap, 用于海洋运输或在高湿度气候下旅行的防蒸汽袋, we know how to protect electronics properly.
Our teams are also adept at packaging, crating and handling medical devices like lab equipment, diagnostic equipment, surgical equipment, etc. 在灾难管理方面,武装部队将提供支持, we have extensive knowledge of and experience with military equipment shipping and MIL-SPEC requirements. We also have served the aerospace industry for many years and can move items like aircraft safely and efficiently.
In addition, 灾害应对活动需要危险物资或必须从灾害现场运出的, Craters & Freighters has extensive expertise in hazmat shipping. 这包括材料的包装和板条箱,以及所有标签和文件要求的处理.
无论紧急与否,对任何航运合同来说,关键是提供服务的能力 expert logistical support. 这是网上赌搏十大网站30多年来在全球范围内移动各种资产的经验之谈, as Craters & Freighters has.
面对危机,最好的办法是“抱最好的希望”. Prepare for the worst.“准备工作的一部分是准备将设备和物资高效地运进和运出灾区.
The decades of experience that Craters & 对于那些负责保护人民和财产的机构和个人来说,无论何时何地,网上赌搏十大网站在将资产快速安全地运送到世界各地的任何地方,都是一项宝贵的资产,有助于在混乱的情况下保持平静.